Here are some exciting shop updates:
Planning is underway for "French Flea Trunk Shows"! You pick the location - your home, the home of a friend or family member, your clubhouse... You give us your email invitation list and we will send the e-vites and keep up with RSVP's. You provide refreshments and we will come set up a beautiful display of French Flea items for your friends, family and co-workers! These items will reflect the French Flea look of anything french, shabby, vintage, rusty, chippy! For hosting the party, you will receive French Flea merchandise and you will also receive merchandise for the total sales made!
Look for a small "boutique" section at the shop coming soon. We carried some consignment clothing last spring and summer at the shop across the street and we will carry some boutique items again. It won't lessen the amount of furniture, just be added in an unused area!
Some GREAT pieces will be coming to the shop this week - pictures should start being posted tomorrow!
New Upcycle Ideas 767 with furniture makeovers
3 hours ago
Hi! Where are yall located? do you have a facebook page? :)